It's all about the Newfs...(aka Newfie, Newfy, Newfoundland dog)

This web site was conceived and created in 2000 by Gina Destro for the purpose of providing a self-sufficient and effective online listing system that is distributed to all national rescue reps. This framework allows volunteers for various clubs to change while the contact remains intact. If you notify this group of a dog in need in FL - it's going to be sent to a FL rep, if the dog is in MN, then the MN rep will get it...we work together and have been for MANY years supporting a broad-scale exchange of ideas and suggestions to benefit those groups and individuals dedicated to Newfoundland Rescue.
The mission of the rescue organization is the dedication for the preservation and advancement of the Newfoundland Dog by rescuing the unfortunate Newfoundlands that may end up abused, neglected, abandoned, or in shelters.
A Newfie should not be acquired casually or disposed of lightly but sometimes an owners's circumstances change and the Newf is unable to remain with its original owner. It is on these occasions that we will find a new, permanent home where the Newfoundland will be loved, cared for, and respected for its unique abilities.
Any pure breed Newfoundland that is legally turned over to us is immediately taken to one of our participating veterinarians for a complete health check, vaccinations, if needed, and is spayed/neutered. The Newf is then placed into one of our foster homes for an undetermined length of time (depending on the Newf’s condition) for a complete evaluation of the Newf’s retraining, rehabilitation and restoring of health. The Newf will be kept in foster care as long as necessary to prepare it for entry into its new and permanent home. Before any adoption is ever made, a site visit is made to the potential adoptee's home to determine if they and their home environment would be suitable for a Newfoundland. All potential adoptee's must have the proper pet supplies to keep their Newfy happy and safe.